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Two Diverse and Inclusive star-studded squads of entertainment, sporting legends and celebrities from the United Kingdom versus the rest of the world.

Watch them go head to head in an electrifying football match all in aid of Equality is Legacy. A historic Equality & Diversity Charity focused on Empowerment, Education & Funding  business investment for underprivileged and marginalised communities.

Event Update

We just wanted to provide you with a full update on the progress and developments for the Allstar Legacy Match originally Scheduled on 27th March.

During December / January there was much for us to consider, particularly with all the debate surrounding ease of restrictions, a Covid 19 Omicron wave, alongside player vaccination, international conflict & political issues.

Despite the easing of restrictions there were lots of factors creating a great deal of uncertainty nationally.

We have been in deep discussions with the Charity board, Chelsea FC, match day players and the broadcast team as we monitored the changes and agreed the best plan of action.

They have been guiding and working with us to ensure we have the best outcome for the fundraising.

With this in mind, we thought it sensible and morally correct to take the decision to mitigate any issues by assigning a new date for the Allstar Legacy Match which will guarantee full attendance.

This decision was best for the long-term success of the match, and the benefit of our people who want to serve, these are at the forefront of our charity's obligations.

Potential Re-schedule

In addition to removing the risk to limited stadium attendance and the event’s success, the potential re-scheduling also removes the uncertainties around travel/accommodation restrictions for ROW squad talent, and also simplifies the logistics with our event delivery partners.

We recognise that we have to be pragmatic and apply some caution to ensure the maximum success for all involved

Next steps

We are in the final stages of determining the detailed plan of action to re-schedule the Allstar Legacy Match. Plus announcements on a new event schedule for 2022.

We will be communicating this as soon as possible for the benefit of all internal and external stakeholders.

Chelsea FC and EIL continue to have a strong relationship and both parties have agreed there will be a new schedule of events which still maintain the positive momentum, media content, awareness and commercial opportunities building through to the new match date.

We would like to thank everyone, particularly BT sport, Chelsea FC and Stoli Vodka, Wycombe Wanderers our Ambassadors, players, agents, and the many volunteers behind the scenes for their continued support.

Match Day Tickets

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